Free Travel Planner

Before the days of the internet, traveling abroad required visiting your local travel agency, paying a commission for a trip you could not price compare, and relying on travel guides found at the local library. The internet has shrunk the world and allowed everyone to be their own travel agent. YouTube and cell phones have created an environment where you can walk through the Vatican without ever visiting Europe. Gone are the days where only the wealthy can travel an experience the amazing cultures around the globe.

You can now plan a trip based on your budget and I have created a step-by-step process to travel hack your way across the globe. These techniques work for international as well as domestic locations, but I want to ensure the broke college kid, the single mom, or the social security limited budget completes their bucket list. Bookmark this page for personal use and share this advice with your family and friends.

This planner will work as a step-by-step workflow, but I need you to have done the "pre-read" before you start this class.

Top Five Hacks to Start Travel Hacking will have you set up to go page by page through this workflow with the set ups required to take full advantage of being your own travel agent. We are trying to have a "Champagne Experience on a Beer Budget" so there is a little leg work required. Once loyalty accounts are set up, you won't have to repeat the process for any subsequent trips. Click on the buttons below to start Traveling With Champagne